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  • Samiksha (pictured middle) playing with friends in Kathmandu, Nepal

    Celebrate with ActionAid

    Posted 4 August 2015

    Celebrate your birthday, wedding or special event with ActionAid by asking people to make a donation instead of giving a gift and help change the world with women and girls.

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  • Menstrual Hygiene . Photo: Jennifer Huxta/Actionaid

    How we’re funded

    Posted 24 July 2015

    Learn where ActionAidUK gets our funding from, including figures for individual giving and institutions.

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  • From small beginnings, this women’s savings and credit cooperative in Ethiopia has supported over 100 women to become economically independent. Photo: Greg Funnell/ActionAid

    Our strategy

    Posted 24 July 2015

    ActionAid's vision is a world without poverty and injustice, in which every person enjoys their right to a life of dignity.

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  • Hibaq (15) has been living in an IDP in an IDP camp in Somaliland with their mother, sister Nimco, brother and grandmother since 2017. Photo: Karin Schermbrucker/ActionAid

    Where your money goes

    Posted 22 July 2015

    Learn how ActionAid invests supporters' money and how we ensure donations go as far as possible.

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  • In Burundi, 11-year old Emelyne lives in Mubavu village and goes to Karusi Primary School, thanks to funding from the ActionAid Lottery. Photo: Sarah Elliott/ActionAid

    ActionAid’s Lottery

    Posted 18 July 2005

    Play the ActionAid Lottery for just £1 a week to make a genuine difference to people's lives.

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  • Diana, 12, attends an ActionAid-supported girls' forum that is helping her to get an education.

    Leave a gift in your Will

    Posted 2 March 2004

    By remembering ActionAid in your Will, you can help make the world a fairer place for women and girls living in poverty.

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