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Why donate to ActionAid
For Rosa, going to school in Mozambique was a huge problem because of the lack of facilities available.
Through supporting school council meetings with advice and funding, ActionAid helped to build a toilet block and a kitchen to provide school meals. Now all 155 pupils can go to the loo safely and get the nutritious food they need in order to concentrate and learn.
Rosa said: “I can now say proudly to anybody where I study, because we now have a true and genuine school”.
By making a donation to ActionAid you can help us continue supporting communities to change the lives of girls like Rosa.
Rosa outside her school in Manhiça district, Mozambique
Ernanio Mandlate/KISAI/ActionAid
Top image: Thanks to ActionAid support, Everlyne, 15, is one of the first girls in her village to attend secondary school, West Pokot, Kenya. Jennifer Huxta/Actionaid
Page updated 30 July 2024