Contact us
If we haven’t answered your question here, please feel free to contact us on email or call us on 01460 238000.
Abusive, offensive, inappropriate or objectionable contact
The Supporter Contact team will not respond to any messages that are abusive, offensive, inappropriate or objectionable in terms of language, content, images or videos shared. If we receive any contact that we are concerned about, we may use your personal information to take any necessary action.
Read our supporter promise
Our supporter promise is a demonstration of our commitment to hold ourselves to the highest standards, across every area of our work.
Business enquiries
If you need to speak to a specific member of staff or for business enquiries please call our reception on 0203 122 0561.
Media enquiries
If you have a press or media enquiry, please get in touch with a member of the media team.
Accounts and trustee reports
If you have any questions about ActionAid accounts or trustee reports or other questions about ActionAid UK that are not answered on this website, please email
Fraudulent use of ActionAid’s brand
We have received reports of unauthorised use of ActionAid UK’s name and brand on email communications and documents which, to some, may appear to be genuine.
ActionAid’s official email domain is and there have been fraudulent emails sent from the domain Find out more information about reporting suspected fraud.
Concerns regarding ActionAid staff behaviour
If you have any questions or concerns relating to the behaviour of a member(s) of ActionAid UK towards a child or vulnerable adult that has made you feel uncomfortable, then we would like to hear from you via our dedicated and confidential email
ActionAid International’s offices
ActionAid International Secretariat
Postnet Suite 248,
Private Bag X31,
Saxonwold 2132,
South Africa
Tel: +27 11 7314500
Fax: +27 11 8808082
ActionAid Africa
4th Floor AACC Building,
Waiyaki Way,
Tel: + 254 20 445 1041
Fax: + 254 20 445 0089
ActionAid Americas
Rua Santa Luzia,
651 - 17º,
Andar Centro,
Rio de Janeiro,
Tel: +55 21 2189 4666
Fax: +55 21 2189 4629
ActionAid Asia
13th Floor, Regent House Building,
183 Rajdamri Road,
Bangkok 10330,
Tel: +66 2 651 9066/7
Fax: +66 2 651 9070
Page updated 28 February 2025